Movreak APK v1.11.3 Free Entertainment App download for Android

If you want to go to the nearest movie theatre in your city to watch the latest movies but does not yet know the title, time and how good the film is playing. Well, to overcome this for Android phone users there is an interesting application that is Movreak App. This application was created by local developer DyCode based in Bandung.  This App has been awarded at the 2010 Sparx Up Award in the category of Best Mobile Application on the iOS platform. You can download Movreak APk from the provided download links. 

This Movreak application can be used to view all schedule and movie theatres in several cities in Indonesia that have registered information. There is a lot of information that makes it easy for users to Watch Movies through this application. Such as watching movies currently playing today, seeing the screening time, the title of the film being played, the theatres in the city, seeing the results of reviews and recommendations of other viewers.

Movreak APKMovreak APK Menu:

When using this application, users will be confronted with 4 main menus. First is the "now playing" menu and it provides information about the movies currently playing in the city of the user's choice. The "theatre" menu which provides information on a list of all theatres in the user's chosen city. "User reviews" which feature brief movie reviews from Movreak App users. And a "profile" menu that gives users the choice to register for Movreak and get full access to other Movreak features such as city settings and cinema theatres.

If the user wants to see details about the movie being played then you can choose the "now playing" menu which will bring up all the movies currently playing in the selected city theatre. In addition, users can see complete information of the desired film. Such as director, duration of the film, actor, genre, IMDB rating, language, author, reviews from other users, and wherever the film is played along with hours of playback. Users can also share movie info with friends via Twitter, email and SMS.

This application is indeed quite complete in providing information about the film being screened, the nearest cinema theatre, and can share info through social networks like Facebook and Twitter. However, it might be better if it displays information on the price of films shown at selected theatres because each theatre has different ticket prices. 

In my opinion, this application is very suitable and useful for movie fans who want to watch movies in theatres, but find it difficult to find full information about the films being played. If the reader wants to try this application, you can download Movreak APK from the download links below.
File Information:
App Name: Movreak Movie, Cinema, Review
Version: 1.11.3
APK Size: 5.8MB
Developers: DyCode
Download Links:
Movreak APK v1.11.3>> Download